The Problem: While the majority of Americans have been involved in the "wedge issues" of abortion, guns, gays, poor teachers, etc. the country has been taken away from them. The key to having any hope of regaining our democracy is these NotSee Americans to open their eyes and get actively involved. (If it isn't too late)

Air Pollution  


Photo by Peter Essick

Photo by Peter Essick 

Through a consorted effort there has been an attack on the EPA and the Clean Air Act by industry lobbyists. Through organizations such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) laws have been passed on the state level that enable polluting at caustic levels. 

As the air continues to be polluted more health issues are arising among the people. As the regulatory system continues to be decimated by our legislators air pollution continues to rise, even in a diminished industrialized nation such as ours has become as a result of NAFTA, CAFTA and other “trade agreements” which have literally sucked those industries from our shores.