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TPP - The Trans Pacific Partnership and TAFTA/TTIP - The Trans Atlantic Free Trade
As has been the case with other "free trade" agreements (NAFTA,
CAFTA, etc.) little or nothing is known not only by the people, but the legislators as well. Typically the way
these extremely harmful laws get passed through a means called "Fast Track" which actually by-passes Congress. The
President simply passes it to Congress for an Up or Down vote with little or no debate, then signs it into
Once these "laws" are put in action very little good comes to the
nations involved. This TPP has been under "negotiation" for a couple of years in which over 600 corporate attorneys
have been manipulating the document stripping the sovereign rights of nations, giving corporations sole ownership
of whatever they choose to do.
Meanwhile, Congressman Alan Grayson was allowed to view what
"progress" has been made, but was not allowed to copy, make notes, or discuss what he saw. He also could be
imprisoned if he should discuss with anyone what he saw in the documents. (More than likely he would be the victim
of a "suicide") Now one might ask, "If this is for the good of the United States, why can't we have knowledge
of what is in it?"
While the TPP is becoming more heated in the Corporate Media
Propaganda (CMP) discussion the TTIP continues to be developed in secrecy.
For more on the TPP, Click Here. How TPP will hurt, Click
For more on the TTIP, Click
The Keystone XL Pipeline
The Corporate Media Propagandists are "selling" this to the public
as a "jobs bill" which is a real stretch as by most studies it will produce 35 permanent jobs!
It more accurately should be named "The Koch Profits Bill" as
the Kochs are the largest holder of leases in the tar sands region and will stand to profit $Billions
For more, Click Here
School Shootings
The Corporate Media Propagandists are completely silent on the fact there have
been 101 school shootings from December 2011 through January 2015. That's an average of nearly 3 a month and the
vast majority in the United States are unaware their children are under siege.
For a list, Click Here