One international identity observing one set of universal values. Is this
the main purpose of the "free trade" agreements? After all, these have little to do with trade, but
much to do with stripping nations of their sovereignty.
Centralized control of world populations by "mind control", in other
words, controlling world public opinion. Thus we have the Corporate Media Propagandists.
A new World Order with no middle class, only "rulers and servants
(serfs), and of course, no democracy.
A "zero-growth society" without prosperity or progress, only greater
wealth and power for the rulers.
Manufactured crises and perpetual wars. Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, etc. There are constant "targets" in order to
move "pawns" into action. There seems to be one rule: "Don't enter these wars to 'win'" as winning is
not the goal, disruption is.
Absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those
chosen for various roles. Privatizing allows the agendas to
be taken out of the control of the people. OBE and skills rather than "book learning" can be pushed in
privatized systems more easily as they do not have to function under the regulations imposed on public
centralized control of all foreign and domestic
Using the UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on world
Expanding NAFTA and WTO globally. Agreeing to NAFTA got Clinton elected. Is that why Obama is so intent on TPP and
Making NATO a world military
Imposing a universal legal system
A global welfare state where obedient slaves will be rewarded and
non-conformists targeted for extermination